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The Psalms are, in the opinion of the composer, a human reaction to divinity (as opposed to the other way around). As such, like all poetry, the Psalms reflect the state of mind (or state of spirit) of the author at a particular space in time.

In the case of this Psalm, 'vindication' is something for which human beings are forever looking. We want to believe our actions are just... that we are not like 'that sinner over there'... that G-d is on our side.

The simple, stereotypical tune with which this piece begins (a 'mock' hymn tune of sorts) and is heard throughout the piece may, among other things represent any group of people seeking or believing in their own vindication. That group could be the Church, a nation, a social class. It might be an individual as well.

Irony and obvious anti-war/anti-violence sentiments are intentional.

Offense to any one group is NOT intended, though it is the composer's intent to raise questions and challenge presuppositions.